Thursday, May 20, 2010

The Fool Step in Athena's Journey

The first step in Athena's cycle/ journey is the Fool Step. The element, planet, time and key are all valid and the same for anyone at the Fool level/ step not just for Athena. In fact the entire situation is completely analog for anyone whose principal card in a reading is the Fool. Only her individual choices will not be the same with your interpretation, everything else stays the same.

The element: AIR, the planet: Uranus, the time: Fall and the key: ideas and strategy.

Athena will experience something unusual or something that will happen suddenly by this Fall. Uranus as well as the AIR are indicating that everything is happening is at the mental level and the key here is to develop some ideas and take on a strategy.

The main problems she will encounter at this level are: the disruption, the unconventional, the ups and downs, the pros and cons and the changeability. Athena will be forced to change her circumstances and in particular something in her environment, like her job or her attitude in regards to her life. This it will be difficult for her because Uranus is the ruler of Aquarius- a fixed sign. Other possible problems for Athena will be her adjusting to new circumstances and a possible lack of direction in her life. Being in a fixed sign, at the Fool step she may encounter even mental anguish.. Please remember everything at the Fool level is mental and therefore not tangible/ practical; it is all about plans and ideas in our head.
Uranus has a 7 years transit in each house of the zodiac, therefore Uranus half return will be between Athena's late 30s and early 40s. Athena is middle aged and therefore her Fool stage will be more drastic as will coincide with the Uranus half return.

The Fool level corresponds to the 7th chakra or the crown chakra also known as Sahasrara (thousand fold). This chakra links to our central nervous system. We need to have this chakra balanced. If the crown chakra is out of balance we will have problems establishing a spiritual connection, even understanding things in general. Headaches, fear and anxiety are other examples of a 7th chakra problems. Athena has a balanced chakra. Here are some of her tips for a balanced 7th chakra: quiet time and meditation, connect with inner-self and spirit guide, using crystals (amethyst, quartz crystal, diamond).

Last but not least we have symbols on the Fool Tarot Card that will give us clues on actions we need to take at this step in our Journey. Anthia knows that if she takes the wrong decision at this step her journey will have a different course than what she would have expected.
Here is some of the Fool level symbols:
1. the dog - means she will need to choose her friends carefully; she must find her true friends and must be true to herself;
2. the butterfly- indicates transformation; either herself or someone close to her has to make a change of opinion;
3. the ice- equals isolation, wait and patience; it can also mean distance or rejection, announces a beginning of a period of financial difficulty- she will have to find a way to live within her means.
4. the sun- is the excitement of starting something new, optimism and expansion.
5. the rose- in order to smell the perfume she needs to go through the thorns first- there are few lessons she will need to learn before she will see positive results.

I honestly do not see anything crazy or mad connected with this stage as some books suggest. There only bad choices or good choices someone can make at this level and this is an individual choice.

Stay tuned for Athena's Fool choices coming soon.


  1. Hi Kathy;

    It was great talking to you the other day on facebook. Here the reading about your new relationship.

    I wanted to get the essence of what is going on and I did a past, present and future reading.

    I checked again and the guy is an aquarius no doubt here.
    The past- the Knight of Wands
    The present- High Priestess (Reversed)
    The future- Wheel of Fortune (Reversed)

    In short, I can see the attraction in the past. However as some new discovery was made by either one of you things changed- in the present. Don't take it personally, I know a lot of guys that are interested more on what you do then who you are. It could be one of this cases.
    In the future, things will turn kind of cold.
    Part of the change can be just chance, and bad circumstances.
    Sorry, not the best news, but things can change again.. is not set on stone.Meaning you could just go through a bad phase and then later things can pick up again. It is only about how much you care about him and how much you want to change your life.

  2. biancat,

    thanks for the reading, yes u r right about things not being set in stone. there is more then likely a good reason behind it. i told myself that if i had to choose myself(as in a good job) and him i would choose myself. also wanted to say i am liking the symbolism you are using in the tarot cards.

    - this is actually more then likely a good thing, this means that something better is coming that i need to focus on, and this person is just going to hinder my growth


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